Use Case: Managed Lanes Benefit-Cost Analysis
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Abstract:This document serves as a use case for conducting Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA)for a hypothetical managed lanes project. Managed lanes are highway facilities – or a set of lanes – where operational strategies are proactively implemented and managed in response to changing conditions (Source: FHWA Managed Lanes). Specific deployments and applications of managed lanes vary by agency and project. For the purposes of this use case, it is assumed that an agency is investigating the deployment of a managed lane strategy that includes hard shoulder running (HSR) with cantilever sign structures, dynamic lane assignment (DLA) with overhead gantries, variable speed limits (VSL), queue warning (QW) through the use of small dynamic message signs (DMS) co-located on DLA sign gantries, system software, and minor Transportation Management Center (TMC) upgrades. It is assumed that existing fiber is located along the corridor. The use case assumes a 10-mile deployment corridor (both directions) along an urban freeway with existing safety and mobility concerns.
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