Florida Access Management Benchmarking Study
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Edition:Final Report, 4/26/2017-6/30/2018
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Abstract:Florida’s access management program has changed little since it was first adopted in 1988. Since that time, transportation planning and engineering practices have undergone extensive changes, and many states have enacted access management programs. This national benchmarking study examines Florida's access management program in relation to those of its peers and contemporary best practice to identify practices that may benefit Florida's access management program. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is particularly interested in exploring: A roadway classification system that is sensitive to land use context; Multimodal considerations in access management, including pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and freight movement; Network and corridor planning including improvements off of the main highway (off-system projects) that provide better circulation and support efficient traffic movement on the state highway; Access-permitting enhancements, such as continued online permit processing to include local governments; Strategies for improved coordination with local governments; Effective, systematic approaches to staff education and training; and; Lessons learned in implementing access management programs. Study recommendations called for simplifying the seven FDOT access classifications into three basic categories of standards with descriptions that convey planned roadway function, land use context, modal priority, and street typology. Access criteria for non-auto modes were suggested, along with block spacing as an alternative to driveway spacing for dense urban contexts. A new FDOT policy promoting local network planning was proposed to emphasize the importance of local network development and interparcel connectivity to the state highway system and statewide multimodal planning and complete streets objectives. Other suggestions included the more active use of corridor access management planning, partnering with MPOs to promote funding incentives for off-system improvements, and a process to evaluate and negotiate driveway closures during the appropriate design phase. Intergovernmental coordination strategies included active dissemination of the 2017 model regulations for local governments through various methods, and production of a new multimodal planning brochure.
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