Application of Advanced Analytic and Risk Techniques to Railroad Operations Safety and Management
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Edition:Final Report 11/1/2019-3/31/2021
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Abstract:Railroads generate large amounts of data. The data collected by railroads are in several different forms including both numeric and textual data. Further, there are numerous external databases that contain information and data relevant to railroad maintenance, operations, and capital investments. The fundamental problem with the amounts of data and varied data sources is that railroads have generally lacked tools and the capability to analyze these data to develop predictive models to improve decisions regarding maintenance, operations, and capital investments that improve safety, service and, ultimately, overall profitability. This is particularly a problem for Class II and III short line railroads that lack significant staff and resources to undertake these analyses. This project specifically addresses these problems with two Class II railroads in terms of grade crossing and trespassing incidents and identifying potential transload customers for specific commodities. For one railroad partner, high-risk grade crossing and trespassing situations are identified, and potential risk reduction measures are recommended. For the other railroad partner, potential customers for two possible transload commodities are identified and data sources provided for further analyses. A prototype decision support system (DSS) is proposed, and advanced data visualization tools are demonstrated and applied for both railroads. Recommendations for further research and development are made specifically for grade crossing and trespassing risk metrics and profiles.
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