Phase 1 Outreach Plan— California Association for Coordinated Transportation ITS4US Deployment Project
Series: ITS4US Phase 1
Alternative Title:Phase 1 Outreach Plan— CALACT ITS4US Deployment Project [Title from cover]
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Abstract:The purpose of this report is to provide a full description of all planned outreach efforts for all phases of the California Association for Coordinated Transportation ITS4US Deployment Project. The overarching outreach goals of this project are to encourage adoption of data and procurement guidelines or usage of sponsored technologies and to connect with riders to collect feedback to ensure the project is creating change that is actually beneficial. The content of this report includes an introduction and project background, an overview of the project’s media approach, including the target audience for media outreach, details of the specific delegation of roles and responsibilities regarding project communications and coordination with the USDOT, a listing of all platforms the project will use for outreach and how these platforms will be used, a detailed plan of how outreach materials will be developed and delivered, and an outline of the way outreach success will be measured by the project.
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