SHSP-HSP Crosswalk: A Tabular Comparative Presentation of Louisiana’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and Highway Safety Plan (HSP)
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Edition:February – May 2018
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Abstract:This technical report examined the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and Highway Safety Plan (HSP) documents of Louisiana to conduct a crosswalk analysis and determine where highway safety strategies in both plans overlap, co-exist, duplicate, or intersect. Targets, approaches, and strategies between the two planning documents were comparatively examined. Although there were strategies that were unique, it was found that numerous programs overlapped and co-existed. They were similar in nature, thereby promising an opportunity to leverage resources. They may mitigate gaps of implementation, reduce duplication of efforts, and capitalize on opportunities for collaboration. To be specific, programs overlapped in the emphasis areas of impaired driving, occupant protection, crashes involving young drivers, and distracted driving. Intersection and roadway departure solutions for infrastructure and operations are highly prioritized in the SHSP, but not in the HSP. This, however, should not discount opportunities for the integration of human factors in the HSP. Despite these distinctions, both plans revolve around the same vision: zero deaths. This vision replicates the National Strategy on Highway Safety Toward Zero Deaths that 30 states, including Louisiana, have adopted. A clear understanding of where engineering meets human factors will guide departments of transportation (DOTs), state highway safety offices (SHSOs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and local public agencies (LPAs) in integrating highway safety into the overall planning and decision-making process. Safety for non-motorized users such as bicyclists and pedestrians is also addressed in both plans but in slightly different approaches. SHSP focuses on engineering coupled with education while HSP zooms into the education aspect without engineering elements.
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