Analysis of 54-Inch Tall Single-Slope Concrete Barrier on a Structurally Independent Foundation
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Edition:Technical Report,: August 2017–August 2019
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Abstract:This project developed structurally independent foundation designs for 54-inch tall single slope concrete barrier (SSCB) for shielding bridge columns near roadsides that do not meet Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT’s) design impact load criteria. Such columns are required to be shielded with a 54-inch tall barrier with an independent foundation that meets performance criteria of AASHTO MASH Test Level 5. Researchers developed seven preliminary foundation design concepts for the SSCB. Of these, TxDOT selected three concepts for further development. The foundation concepts selected were a shallow moment slab, a vertical wall, and a drilled shaft foundation. TTI researchers developed simulation models of the selected preliminary designs and performed vehicle impact simulations to determine the performance of these systems under MASH Test 5-12 impact conditions, which involve impacting the barrier with a 36000V tractor-van trailer vehicle at an impact speed and angle of 50 mi/h and 15 degrees, respectively. Simulation was used to optimize the foundation sizes and select one of the three designs for full-scale crash testing. The drilled shaft foundation design was selected for crash testing as it had the largest deflection among the designs simulated. Furthermore, the discrete attachment of the shafts to the barrier was considered more critical for further evaluation compared to continuous barrier to foundation connection in the other concepts. While the full scale testing was performed with the drilled shaft foundation only, researchers developed reinforcement details for all three barrier and foundation systems. TTI researchers constructed the 54-inch tall SSCB barrier with the drilled shaft foundation and performed MASH Test 5-12. The barrier performed acceptably for MASH Test 5-12. Results of the testing were similar to the simulation results, with the simulation results being slightly more conservative for barrier deflection. Therefore, the designs of the moment slab and the vertical wall foundations, while not crash tested, are also expected to meet the MASH Test 5-12 impact performance criteria.
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