NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA 97-0232-2674: Bardon-Trimount: Stoughton, Massachusetts
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Abstract:Approximately 285 million used tires are discarded in the United States each year, posing significant health, fire, and solid waste management problems. As one means of reducing these problems, considerable attention has been focused on the use of scrap tire rubber in highway paving materials. In 1991, Congress enacted the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), which required each state to use a minimum quantity of "crumb rubber modified" (CRM) hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving material, beginning at 5% of the HMA used in federally funded paving in 1993, and increasing to 20% in 1997 and thereafter. Because of public concerns over the lack of available information on the environmental and human health effects resulting from the use of CRM-HMA, along with the higher initial cost of using this paving material, a temporary legislative moratorium was passed which precluded enforcement of the penalty provisions of the IS TEA legislation. This legislation also directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) to evaluate the potential environmental and human health effects associated with the use of CRM asphalt. The recently passed National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 has eliminated the mandate requiring the use of CRM asphalt but continues to require research concerning CRM asphalt paving.
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