Total delay impact study : a comprehensive assessment of the costs and impacts of flight delay in the United States
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Abstract:Flight delay is a serious and widespread problem in the United States. Increasing flight delays place a significant strain on the US air travel system and cost airlines, passengers, and society at many billions of dollars each year. While a number of previous studies have attempted to estimate the total economic impact of delays, scientific knowledge about the cost of delay is still limited. The Federal Aviation Administration sponsored the five NEXTOR universities and the Brattle Group to conduct a comprehensive study on the total delay impact (TDI) in the United States.
This report analyzes a variety of cost components caused by flight delays, including cost to airlines, cost to passengers, cost of lost demand, as well as the indirect impact of delay on the US economy. This study offers a broader consideration of relevant costs than conventional cost-of-delay estimates, and employs several innovative methodologies for assessing the magnitudes of these costs. Of particular note are the passenger delay cost estimates, which recognize that flight cancellations and missed connections can lead to substantial passenger delays not revealed in traditional flight delay statistics.
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