Transportation Statistics Annual Report 2008
Alternative Title:TSAR 2008
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Abstract:The Transportation Statistics Annual Report presents transportation data and information that the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), a component of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), has selected in accordance with the 13 topics specified in the Department's legislative mandate, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Where possible, the figures and tables cover the 10 most recent years for which data are available BTS has expanded and restructured this year's report. Chapter 1 highlights environmental stewardship and transportation security and contains a summary of the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey. Chapter 2 explores transportation infrastructure, safety, congestion, and global connectivity. These groupings reflect the intermodal/multimodal nature of the U.S. transportation system, which is a complex system of systems. For the reader's convenience, chapter 3 examines the modal systems that comprise the U.S. transportation system, including civil aviation, motor vehicle highway system, marine transportation system, railroad network, and transit. Chapter 4 describes the economic and social impact of the U.S. transportation system. The legislative mandate, SAFETEA-LU, also requires BTS to document the methods used to obtain the report's statistical information, ensure its quality and make recommendations for improving transportation statistical information. In chapter 5, the major BTS program offices respond to this requirement. This chapter identifies the guidelines that apply to federal data quality and the statistics included in this report. Further, this chapter focuses on closing data gaps and improving the ways in which transportation statistics are collected, compiled, analyzed and published. Appendix A includes a list of acronyms used throughout the report. Appendix B provides a glossary. Appendix C includes the ferry routes and terminal maps for New York, NY, San Francisco, CA, and Seattle, WA, as well as maps highlighting alternative fueling stations. Appendix D provides a snapshot of the U.S. demographics factors such as population, labour force, and economic conditions that influence travel patterns and goods movement (1 of the 13 topics).
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