Transportation Statistics Annual Report 2001
Alternative Title:TSAR 2001
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Edition:8th ed.
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Abstract:This report, the eighth such annual report, was prepared in response to a congressional mandate laid out in 49 U.S.C. 111(j). The report discusses the extent and condition of the transportation system; its use, performance, security, and safety record; transportation's economic contributions and costs; and its energy and environmental impacts. All modes of transportation are covered in the report. Because it relies on annual data, the most recent data available for the report covered 2000 and, in some cases, only 1999. Two events significantly affected transportation in 2001 while this report was being prepared: a downturn in the U.S. economy that became apparent in late 2000 and the terrorist attacks in September 2001. Because of the importance of terrorism impacts on transportation, special attention has been given in the report to provide data covering 2001 where possible.
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