Strain-Based Fatigue Crack Monitoring of Steel Bridges using Wireless Elastomeric Skin Sensors
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Edition:September 2015–August 2018
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Abstract:Fatigue cracks that develop in steel highway bridges under repetitive traffic loads are one of the major mechanisms that degrade structural integrity. If bridges are not appropriately inspected and maintained, fatigue cracks can eventually lead to catastrophic failures, in particular for fracture-critical bridges. Bridge owners, such as state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), typically rely on trained bridge inspectors to visually inspect steel bridges for fatigue cracking so that appropriate repairs can be applied before cracks reach critical sizes. However, visual inspections can be prone to error due to inconsistent skills and result interpretation among inspectors. Advanced approaches for detecting and/or monitoring of fatigue cracks have been investigated in both the structural health monitoring (SHM) and nondestructive testing (NDT) communities. An important challenge with the existing methods is their reliance on extensive human
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