Hierarchical Priority-based Control of Signalized Intersections in Semi-Connected Corridors
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Abstract:In this project, the authors developed an efficient distributed yet coordinated algorithm to control signalized intersections in connected and semi-connected corridors. The research enhances traffic signal optimization formulations to allow for the incorporation of connected vehicles and existing point detector data in the models, the distribution of decisions at both the intersection and corridor levels to reduce computational complexity, and the coordination of control decisions among various intersections by a distributed, cloud-fog-based communication network to push solutions toward system-level optimality. The authors utilized a hierarchical, priority-based control using fog-cloud architecture in this research. The fog component consists of micro-data centers with limited computational capabilities, collocated with the road-side units (RSUs), responsible for computing optimal timings of traffic signals in real time utilizing their limited capabilities. A cloud backbone is connected to all fog components of the city or each city zone to exchange information among neighboring fog components to enable coordinated yet distributed optimization of traffic signal timings. It also performs analytics on the collected data and decisions from all the fog components to learn spatio-temporal patterns, especially in the case of semi-connected scenarios. The proposed architecture allows intersection- and corridor-level optimization algorithms to be run and control decisions to be communicated to the traffic signal system with existing control hardware and communication technology. Numerical results for a simulated corridor of ten intersections showed that the approach can effectively determine near-optimal signal timing parameters under different demand levels, and significant improvements in traffic operations were observed with increased connected vehicle market penetration rates. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this project did not conduct any field tests, and all tests were performed with a micro-simulation testbed. Future research that includes hardware-in-the-loop and field tests is needed.
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