“TELE-commuting” during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Unveiling State-wide Patterns and Trends of Telecommuting in Relation to Transportation, Employment, Land Use, and Emissions in California [Summary]
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Abstract:Telecommuting, which enables employees to perform job tasks remotely at home, increased significantly (25% to 35%) early in the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift represented a major societal change that reshaped the family, work, and social lives of many Californians, also raising important questions about what factors influenced telecommuting before, during, and after COVID, and to what extent changes in telecommuting have influenced transportation patterns across other commute modes, employment, land use, and environment. Additionally, state agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and local governments are faced with questions about internal organizational concerns and regional policy, of what factors might explain changes in workplace culture and commuting patterns, and how long they are likely to continue.
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