A National Program for Highway Research; Alignment, Grade, Width, and Thickness in Design of Road Surfaces; December and January Federal-Aid Record; Design of Highway Drainage Systems; Federal Control and Aid for Highways—It’s Results, Merits, and Limitations; Graphical Progress Report of Federal Aid; Highway Administration; Interesting Federal-Aid Project; Making Highways Ornamental and Useful; Maps of a State Highway System for Use of the Public; Marking, Signing, and Making Safe a State Highway System; Railroad Association Handles Car-Service Problems; Relations of the States with the Bureau of Public Roads; Relations of the States with the Bureau of Public Roads-Discussion; Shall Contract Bonds be Eliminated?; State Testing Engineers and Chemist Meet
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These documents are disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, in the interest of information exchange.
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Apportionment of Funds Under Federal Aid Act and Amendment Thereto; Brick Pavements in the Middle West; Efficiency of Bituminous Surfaces and Pavement...
Coordinating the State Highway Systems of the Various States; Day Labor and Force Account Work; Engineering Treatment of Necessary Railroad Crossings;...
6,146,617 Motor Vehicles in United States; Building an Arizona Project; Bureau of Public Roads in the War; Calcium Chloride Gas Dust Preventive for Gr...
Bridges Must Be Safe; Connecticut Paid More for Its Labor; Costs Under Washington’s New Law; Dragging System Main Feature in Kansas; How Country Met...
Direct Loading a Success in Concrete Construction; Nature Mixed Sand-Clay for Alabama Federal Roads; State Highway Management, Procedure, and Control;...
$280,000,000 Put into Highways and Bridges by States in 1917; Connecticut Turns to Labor-Saving Devices; Constant Effort by Paid Force Advocated in Co...
Convenient Project Record; Determining Sizes of Culverts; Federal Aid Record Shows Big Road Building Program; Memorandum on Construction of Concrete R...
American Red Cross a Builder of Roads and Towns in Italy; Federal Aid Projects in July; Maintaining Earth Roads with Oil; Reinforced Concrete Slab Bri...
Clearing Roads for Army Transport; Coming Publications; Eighteen Months of Federal Aid; Federal Aid Act Interpretations; Federal Aid Projects in Idaho...
7,564,846 Motor Vehicles in the United States; Asphalt Content of Road Oils; Bituminous Surface Treated Macadam and Gravel Roads; Federal-Aid Allowanc...
Federal-Aid Allowances; Federal Road Building in the National Forests of the West; Four Years of Road Building under the Federal-Aid Act; Selection an...