An Enhanced GDOT Pavement Preservation Guide with Optimal Timing of Pavement Preservation
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Edition:Final; June 2014 – January 2021
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Abstract:The objectives of this research are 1) to develop the first version of the comprehensive pavement preservation guide, covering project selection, specification, material selection, construction procedure, quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC), along with the Web-based pavement preservation interactive tool (PPIT) that enables Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to cost-effectively preserve its pavements; and 2) to conduct field tests and long-term performance monitoring using 3D technology to study the effectiveness of crack sealing and fog seal in support of GDOT’s pavement preservation criteria and policies. This research project developed the first version of the comprehensive pavement preservation guide along with the web-based pavement preservation interactive tool (PPIT). Based on crack sealing tests in Hawkinsville, southern GA, and Covington, central GA, crack sealing can effectively retard crack growth by 40% – 128% on crack sealed test sections, which demonstrates very good crack sealing effectiveness. Results show that the crack sealing effectiveness is good for higher pretreatment Computerized Pavement Condition Evaluation System (COPACES) rating and supports GDOT’s new policy of increasing COPACES ratings for its crack sealing application method. Based on fog seal tests on I-475 with different raveling conditions (very light, light, medium, and severe with a loss of aggregates ranging from 0 – 20% under GDOT’s Severity Level 1), the skid number (SN) decreases about 45% immediately after the fog seal application and recovers back to the requirement level (SN = 30) in a week. The fog seal treatment is promising in reducing the rate of aggregate loss for medium and severe raveling conditions (under GDOT’s raveling Severity Level 1 with loss of aggregate around 10% – 20%) by 30% – 90% and 40% – 70%, respectively.
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