An analysis of tire tread wear groove patterns and the effect of heteroscedasticity on tire tread wear statistics
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Edition:Final Report; June 1984 - March 1985
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Abstract:This report examines the groove wear variability among tires subjected to the
Uniform Tire Quality Grading (UTQC) test procedure for determining tire tread wear.
The effects of heteroscedasticity (variable variance) on a previously reported
statistical analysis were also examined. Two data sources were used: special tire
tests performed by the Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) for NHTSA, and NHTSA's
own compliance tests. The test concluded that groove wear variability exists
during UTQG testing with the outside grooves generally wearing more than the inside
grooves. The difference in wear between the inside and outside grooves varied from
approximately 10 percent to 50 percent. This variability was different for different
types but was uniform within the tire types during a test. However, in tests
spaced apart in time, this within tire type groove variability will change and is
probably influenced by environmental conditions. It was also concluded that
heteroscedasticity would have no effect on previously reported statistical results
but that this effect could be meaningful on an individual tire basis.
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