Phase 1 Concept of Operations (ConOps) – California Association for Coordinated Transportation ITS4US Deployment Project
Series: ITS4US Phase 1
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Abstract:This project aims to address the need for riders who use demand-responsive services, rural riders, and riders with disabilities to have equal access to the real-time trip planning technologies already available for fixed-route transit, as well as Transportation Network Companies. Fixed-route transit rider information has developed quickly in the last 15 years, but is generally limited to smartphone users in urbanized areas. General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data, the most common transit schedule exchange data format, does not require the inclusion of accessibility information that ensures riders with vision, mobility, hearing, and cognitive disabilities can access the transit service information. This Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the CALACT Phase 1 ITS4US project details the current system of shared transit data in operation within the three state region of California, Oregon, and Washington, identifies deficiencies with that system and user needs which should be fulfilled, and a proposal for a new system of technology governance and maintenance that would augment the system to fulfill those user needs. The research and development that has gone into this project has been performed by a broad team of technology and transit experts in collaboration with stakeholders including transit operators and riders, and builds from the ongoing work of the community of rural and specialized transportation technology practitioners over the last decade. The ConOps is not a precise plan for how to reform the transit information system in the region, but rather a high-level concept for how such a plan should approach the problems faced by the transportation industry and a description of the needs that must be met by a new system. This ConOps will be succeeded by additional plans which will further develop the proposal into a detailed system ready to be implemented.
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