Review and Assessment of Current Modeling Techniques in Support of Next-Generation Rollover Research—Phase I
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Abstract:The overall goal of this research was to develop guidelines that relate different roadway and roadside design variables to rollover risk. Specific objectives included harmonizing FHWA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rollover modeling efforts, evaluating potential countermeasures, and mitigating rollover crashes by executing the research plan and implementing the results into new design guidelines. In phase I, the research team conducted an extensive review of past rollover studies and developed a plan for achieving the research objectives. The plan incorporated the selection of preferred modeling methodologies based on the reliability and availability of state-of-the-art modeling technologies. The research team considered the benefits, capabilities, sophistication, and robustness of different technologies versus their cost, including factors such as level of effort and time required. Based on this investigation, the research team developed a proposed simulation matrix for a phase II research effort that will incorporate key roadway and roadside design variables with a particular emphasis on horizontal curvature. The research team recommends several notable enhancements as part of this plan to support the development of a next-generation vehicle dynamics modeling tool that aims to improve the predictive accuracy of outcomes of roadside-encroachment simulations.
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