Institutions and Information Technology To Support Multimodal Integration in Employment Transportation
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Transportation disadvantage is an underlying cause of low household earnings. In our recent experience implementing a shared ride program with taxicabs and vanpools we have found that transportation disadvantage cannot be solved by mobility alone. In our pilot project, we recognized a need for a type of organization—similar to a Transportation Management Association (TMA)—to address transportation disadvantage through private sector and philanthropic support, information technology, and multimodal transportation. Communities have implemented transportation countermeasures to spatial mismatch for decades, primarily in the form of trip-based services. Yet there is a fundamental gap in knowledge about the role for specialized institutions, such as a TMA, to coordinate information technology and advocate for supportive policies. This report presents findings from our action research project. We discuss how our own local initiative was enabled by upstream policy and funding mechanisms, such as a grant program coordinated across the state departments of workforce development and transportation. Yet, the federal, state, and local governments have not yet developed an institutional framework to support these forms of transportation services. The gaps in regional planning, in particular, were salient in our experience. We think this has implications for mobility-as-a-service and ridesharing more broadly. The regional institutions that could support employment transportation, non-emergency medical transportation, and other human services transportation or pay-by-mile services would benefit from a public option information technology system and a coordinating organization. Moreover, we have found that collaboration is not enough. The pilot program needed access to established vertical planning processes, policy networks, and institutional supports that enable scaling transportation services. We propose several ways forward for future research, which we derive by examining the challenges we faced and the questions that arose.
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