More Freight Vehicle Crashes on City Streets in Residential Areas: Why and to What Extent? A Case Study in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Over the last decade, globalized supply chains, restructured logistics and freight transportation practices, and exploding online shopping have influenced how goods are produced, transported, stored, and sold. All these changes have resulted in substantial shifts in the spatial distribution of freight activity, as well as vehicles crashes that involved at least one freight vehicle (freight vehicle crash). As a case study, we examine the correlation between development patterns and freight vehicle crashes on city streets in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), TX. The DFW region is one of the largest metro areas, of which population has been growing most extensively over the last decade in the US. We use the “freight landscape” framework and test the extent to which the proxies for freight supply and demand explain the spatial and temporal variation in freight vehicle crashes, controlling for freight activity levels. We examine two models, 2016 cross-section and 2010-2016 time-series, using the crash records from the TXDOT Crash Records Information System. We test six models in terms of two crash severity levels (all crashes and the crashes with a fatality or injury) and three vehicle types (all vehicles, vans, and trucks). The unit of analysis is a one-square-mile urban hexagon (N=2,262). As proxies for freight demand, we use population and freight-intensive-sector employment densities, median household income, and relative industry sector diversity. As proxies for freight supply, we use distance to the nearest airport, intermodal terminal, and highway ramp. Results show that the elasticity between population density and freight vehicle crashes is the largest, followed by freight intensive sector density. Results also suggest that freight-oriented activity alone may not sufficiently increase the likelihood of freight vehicle crashes. Rather, it may be the conflict between freight- and non-freight-oriented traffic or the conflict among various travel purposes originating from residence, service sector, and freight transport sector land uses.
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