Automated Driving Systems (ADS) for Rural America Demonstration Data Management Plan (DMP)
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Edition:April 2020–May 2023
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Abstract:Nationwide, rural communities and their roadways are disproportionately affected by road safety issues. Multiple complex factors contribute to transportation-related fatalities and injuries on rural roadways, including their infrastructure (sharp curves, steep grades, limited sight distances, sharp pavement drop-offs) and unique environments (slow-moving vehicles, animals, high speeds, extreme weather conditions). Whereas Automated Driving System (ADS) technologies bring the promise of even greater safety on our roadways, rural roads are underrepresented in ADS research today. Also, a relatively large and growing portion of rural and small-town residents are older Americans. As the US population significantly ages over the next few decades and Americans continue their desire to “age in place” (continuing to live in their own home regardless of age, income, or ability level), increased rural mobility options will be needed to maintain and improve the safety on these roadways. This 2.5-year demonstration project will use a custom, mobility-friendly vehicle with advanced technologies to gather publicly-available data for analysis. Data collected will help identify challenges, opportunities, and insights relevant for USDOT safety and rulemaking priorities. The project also will focus on studying ADS applications for aging, transportation-challenged rural populations. This report documents the University of Iowa’s Data Management Plan (DMP) for this project and provides details regarding how UI will securely and reliably manage the data and provide access to the data to users inside and outside the organization.
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