Activity Sequencing Logics Using Daily Work Report Data
Alternative Title:Effective Production Rate Estimation and Activity Sequencing Logics Using Daily Work Report Data: Phase 2
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Edition:Final Report (May 2019 – Sep 2020)
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Abstract:Accurate and reliable project duration estimation is highly dependent upon two major components; a) reasonable production rate estimation of major work items, and b) logical sequencing of those work items. The phase I of the study developed an MS Excel-based production rate estimation tool (PRET). The phase II (this project) has developed construction activity sequence logic diagrams for most common work types in Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). By analyzing historical daily work report (DWR) data of 730 highway projects stored in AASHTOware Site Manager, the current list of 31 controlling work items has been expanded into 48 items. The new list covers more than 90% of the activities in the database. The same data analysis revealed that there are six most common highway project types in MDT, which include i) overlay (urban), ii) overlay (rural), iii) safety, iv) seal & cover, and v) bridge reconstruction and rehabilitation. These work types account for more than 60% of highway projects in MDT. For each work type, representative as-built schedules were developed from the DWR data, and a construction activity sequence logic diagram was developed to illustrate frequent controlling work items and their sequential relationship. The analysis results were discussed with MDT schedulers to incorporate their practical experience and knowledge into finalizing the list of controlling work items and their sequential relationships. The results of this research project can help MDT quickly identify the most common controlling work items and develop a sequence logic for different types of highway projects. The research findings are expected to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of MDT's scheduling and project duration estimation efforts. This project will not only allow MDT to be equipped with powerful visual scheduling resources to enhance the current practices but also allow MDT to be one of the leading state departments of transportation (DOTs) to provide a benchmarking example that other DOTs may follow.
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