Arkansas Demonstration Project: The Use of Roller Compacted Concrete to Reconstruct a Segment of SH 213 in Fayetteville
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:As part of a national initiative sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration under the Highways for LIFE program, the Arkansas State Highway Transportation Department (ASHTD) was awarded a $420,000 grant to demonstrate the use of roller compacted concrete (RCC) as a durable and cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments. This report documents the rehabilitation/reconstruction of RCC pavement on Highway 213 in Conway County near Hattieville. The project is located in the Fayetteville Shale Play area, which houses more than 4,000 new gas wells. The pavement infrastructure in this area has rapidly deteriorated due to the recent increase in truck volume and loadings from the natural gas exploration activities. This report details the innovation used to rehabilitate two segments of Highway 213 with RCC, cement treated reconstruction base, and SafetyEdge. This project met the Highways for LIFE goals for safety, queuing, and user satisfaction. The use of RCC technology required additional days for construction, but the increased time for road closures/detours during construction will be partly offset by lesser need for future maintenance activities. Using RCC for pavement rehabilitation increased the construction costs, both initial and life cycle costs, over traditional asphalt overlay. However, considering the fact that the future natural gas exploration activities would result in higher truck volumes and heavier loadings, the cost of RCC can be justifiable over a 30-year period. The experience gained on this successful project will help the ASHTD use RCC more routinely on future projects.
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