North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority Scenario Planning Peer Exchange Workshop: Newark, New jersey October 23 - 24, 2012
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Abstract:This report shares highlights from a two-day scenario planning workshop held in Newark, New Jersey, from October 23-24, 2012. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) co-sponsored the workshop, which was hosted by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) at its office in Newark. Approximately 85 participants attended, including representatives from NJTPA, FHWA, FTA, and other Federal, State, and local agencies. Appendix C lists the workshop attendees. NJTPA requested the workshop to refine its approach for upcoming scenario planning efforts. The agency will engage in scenario planning public workshops to help develop the 2013 update to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The workshops will also help provide information for the Together North Jersey (TNJ) initiative, which promotes sustainable development practices and strategies in northern New Jersey through a Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD). During the public workshops, which began in winter 2013 but will continue through winter 2014, NJTPA will work with stakeholders to discuss their visions for the region and evaluate trade-offs. This input will help inform the RTP and RPSD
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