Ultra-High Performance Concrete in Ohio: Student Study
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This research reviewed the current and future uses of UHPC in the state of Ohio for bridge related structures. The first objective was to review the performance of UHPC in the Sollars Road adjacent prestressed concrete box beam bridge in Licking County constructed in 2014. UHPC was utilized in the shear keys between the box beams and included dowel bars. Data acquired during 2017 from truck loading and thermal changes was nearly identical to that obtained in 2014 shortly after bridge construction was completed. This implied the bridge’s UHPC longitudinal joints are performing very well three years after construction. The research also monitored and evaluated the 2017 UHPC closure pour for the LIC 310-0096 bridge since this was a new usage of UHPC. Data was collected during placement and during different seasonal periods to monitor daily and seasonal thermal effects. Strains from temperature changes showed strains in the range of 150 to -400 microstrain. Minor hairline cracking was observed in the UHPC and adjacent conventional concrete deck. The final objective of the research was to provide review and advisement to ODOT related to the GAL 160-18.84 UHPC deck panel connections. The deck panels were to be full width except near the bridge ends due to the high 35o skew. However, the Department ultimately directed to construct a traditional cast-in-place deck for reasons unrelated to UHPC.
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