Lower Mississippi River Ports and Waterways Safety System (PAWSS) RF coverage test results
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Abstract:The Coast Guard plans to operate an Automatic Identification System (AID) Digital Selective Calling (DSC) based transponder system as part of the Ports and Waterways Safety System (PAWSS) in the lower Mississippi River. the AIS uses two duplex channels for ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship digital data transmissions and a simplex channel for channel management. The duplex channels arre identified as AIS working channels. the PAWSS relies on a combination of voice and AIS working channels in the VHF maritime mobile band to provide signal coverage in the Vessek Traffic Service Area (VTSA). The proposed coverage area for the VTSA encompasses the Mississippi river starting at river mile 255 to the sea buoy located at Southwest Pass and also includes an area in the Gulf of Mexico for ships approaching the sea buoy. other waterways such as the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and the Industrial Canal are also included in the proposed VTSA. A contractor has installed government owned equipment at five tower sites along the river to provide the coverage for both the voice and data channels. Each tower provides coverage for part of the VTSA. Before the system can reach operational status, the coverage of the RF portion of the system must be measured and documented.
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