Large trucks involved in fatal crashes : the North Carolina data 1993-1997
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Abstract:An analysis of large, truck-involved crash outcomes in North Carolina for the period 1993-1997 was conducted by the UNC Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) for the purpose of establishing an empirical basis for subsequent Governor's Highway Safety Program (GHSP) intervention efforts to reduce the number of fatal, truck-involved crashes. Data sources used in the analysis were the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) and North Carolina DMV crash data files. The primary focus was on fatal crashes involving tractor trailer and high cross vehicle weight (over 10,000 lbs) single unit trucks (SUT). Results of the analyses suggested that GHSP truck safety efforts should give priority to tractor trailer operations on US and NC-numbered routes, to large truck operations in Interstate work zone areas, to the adoption of conspicuity improvements, and to traffic engineering countermeasures associated with reducing the probability of "angle" crashes, especially in rural areas. The recommended focus on angle crashes constitutes a much needed addition to the "No Zone" educational focus on sideswipe and rear end collisions associated with the visual limitations of large vehicle operations. The vehicle inspection issue was not addressed. The study pointed out a clear need to examine the 1998 crash data to better understand the significance of the major reversal in progress following crash reduction gains made between 1993 to 1996. The study also pointed to the need for future analyses to incorporate information on carrier and driver performance factors, perhaps by linking the usual FARS and DMV type data sources to on-line information contained in the SAFESTAT system currently under development. The study points out the obvious need for data to be gathered on the "commodity" being transported to make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of truck safety programs in specific sub-components of the overall trucking industry.
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