Louisiana statewide intermodal plan : working paper on water, rail, and intermodal freight transportation
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Abstract:This report presents material developed by the LSU National Ports and Waterways Institute
within the framework of the study and report for the Louisiana Statewide Model Intermodal Plan.
The Institute’s participation has concentrated on the freight component of the study with emphasis
on rail, ports, waterways, and intermodal connections between these modes of transportation.
The Institute also has taken a leading role in public outreach efforts for the entire study
encompassing all modes of transportation.
The results of the Institute’s analyses are reflected in the overall findings and reported in the
Statewide Intermodal Plan. However, the material included in this document also presents
information which, for a variety of reasons, is not included in the overall report. It is intended
that presentation of this more detailed itiormation and analyses will be helpfi.dto the State and its
constituencies involved in the marine and rail freight transportation sectors.
The objective of the work performed by the Institute was to determine how to enhance the
competitive position of Louisiana freight transportation by taking better advantage of available
capacity and improving intermodal efficiency provided by State facilities. The material presented
in this report proceeds from forecasting fiture demand; to the adequacy of existing facilities and
capacity needs for the fiture; to organizational, marketing and investment requirements; to
comparative analysis of the Louisiana freight terminal productivity and costs; and culminates in a
strategic assessment of fhture threats and opportunities in sustaining and expanding the Louisiana
transportation market share.
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