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TRIS Online Accession Number:01701453
Edition:Year 25 Final Report
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Abstract:The negative health impacts for transportation workers however are not strictly physical. A variety of studies evaluating bus drivers have reported increased levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline (Aronsson & Rissler, 1998), the effects of which spill over even after working hours (Rydstedt, Johansson, & Evans, 1998). Several studies of airline workers have also found detriments in mental health for pilots (Cooper & Sloan, 1985) and negative impacts of emotional dissonance for cabin attendants (Heuven & Bakker, 2003) when confronted with common aspects of their jobs such as routine flight patterns and angry flyers. Considerable research has been done on the health of the transportation workforce and factors related to performance and safety. To further explore the well-being of the transportation workforce and how it compares to other industries, we examined data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Insight into the ways in which transportation workers’ well-being differs from other industries may help identify avenues of subsequent investigation, and, in the future, may support retention of employees in the transportation industry and generate ways to attract new employees in the face of a major shortage in the transportation workforce.
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