2018 Traffic Incident Management Capability Maturity Self-Assessment National Analysis Report
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Abstract:This report presents a summary of the 2018 Traffic Incident Management Capability Maturity Self-Assessments (TIM CM SA) completed by transportation personnel from 98 locations across the country between June and August, 2018. There are 55 scored questions in the TIM CM SA that are grouped into three sections: Strategic, Tactical, and Support. The initial assessments completed in 2003, 2004, and 2005 (78 in total) continue to be used as the Baseline scores, although it should be noted that the Baseline scores are recalibrated each year that a major revision to the TIM CM SA is completed (2007, 2011, and 2015). The 2018 overall TIM CM SA score was 70.4 percent (out of a possible 100 percent), representing a 38.9 percent increase over the Baseline.
Content Notes:Paul Jodoin, Traffic Incident Management Program Manager, served as the TOCOR for this task.
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