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Abstract:The preparation of shop drawings is a very specialized process with its own language and methods. The drawings and data for fabrication are developed from information presented on the contract drawings. These drawings contain the basic bridge geometry, pier and sub-structure locations and design, as well as the sizes of all material, weld and bolt sizes and the basic connection information. Fabrication, thus the shop drawings, must adhere to all the applicable specifications and the information on the contract plans. With this in mind, the detailers, shop drawing producers, must have experience, knowledge and ability to translate contract information into shop drawings. Steel bridge fabrication is a field unlike any others such as building construction, therefore most detailers who prepare steel bridge shop drawings specialize in bridges, and very few of them detail buildings or other steel structures. This document contains the history, present practices, and illustrations of the fundamentals of shop detail drawings for steel bridges, and is not intended to cover every type of bridge structure. The purpose is to familiarize engineers, detailers and other individuals involved with steel bridge fabrication on the preparation and use of shop detail drawings.
Content Notes:The previous version of this Handbook was published as FHWA-IF-12-052 and was developed to be current with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition with the 2010 Interims. FHWA-HIF-16-002 was updated in 2015 by HDR, Inc., to be current with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition.
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