Decision Support Guide for the Installation of Shoulder and Center Line Rumble Strips on Non-Freeways
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Abstract:Center line and shoulder rumble strips are proven safety countermeasures for reducing roadway departure crashes, including head-on crashes and run-off-road crashes. The purpose of this guide is to provide a decision-support framework to inform center line and shoulder rumble strip installation. It describes methods for identifying appropriate locations for installation, assessing the potential crash reductions and benefit-cost ratio, and developing performance metrics for safety. Additionally, this guide discusses special considerations for rumble strip installations, identifies variability in current practices, and provides a decision-support framework for installing rumble strips. The framework covers policy development for systematic rumble strip installation and provides a flowchart for decision-making for sites that can benefit from installation but do not meet criteria for systematic installation. The framework can also be applied to sites that are identified based on crash history, such as for Highway Safety Improvement Program selection. Within this framework, this guide describes who may be involved in the decision-making process, at what points, and provides an overview of safety performance measures that can be presented to policy makers and stakeholders. Performance metrics described in this guide can be used to inform stakeholders of rumble strip benefits.
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