Freight Train Positive Train Control Braking Enforcement Algorithm Research and Testing
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Edition:Technical Report, May 2012–April 2014
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Abstract:Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) researched methods for improving Positive Train Control (PTC) braking algorithm performance and supported industry implementation and evaluation of such improvements. Work completed on the developmental algorithm included: testing additional methods of calculating train brake force; designing and implementing changes for Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brake-equipped trains; researching how the PTC braking algorithm handles specialty type equipment; and field testing the PTC braking algorithm on an intermodal train at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC). TTCI provided implementation support to the industry through simulations and field tests of the Interoperable Electronic Train Management System (I-ETMS®) braking enforcement algorithm and supporting troubleshooting of issues within the algorithm as they were identified. The results of the simulations performed by TTCI were also used to support the railroads’ PTC safety plans.
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