Establishment of QC/QA Procedures for Open-Graded Mixes
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00759176
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Abstract:The State of Oregon has employed the use of porous concrete surfaces (E- and F-mixes) since the 1970s. The use of porous mixes has increased substantially in the past five years. Previously, no work had been done to evaluate whether the quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) procedures used for dense-graded mixes were appropriate for open-graded mixes. This study consisted of a literature review, expert survey, and field survey of selected projects to determine the relative importance of factors such as asphalt content, gradation, voids, and moisture content on the long-term performance of the pavement. The overall objective achieved by this study was the development of a basis for an improved QC/QA specification for porous pavements in Oregon. Specific objectives achieved include: 1) evaluated experiences of others to control quality of open-graded mixes; 2) conducted a field survey of selected projects in Oregon to determine what factors most affect pavement performance; 3) recommended modifications to existing specifications which would include pay adjustments; and 4) developed a plan for implementing the resulting recommendations. This study found that the factors to be controlled during the production of porous pavements include asphalt content, gradation, and moisture content. The recommended weights for computing the composite pay factor were selected to contribute to improving contractor performance. The 25 mm sieve was eliminated as a pay factor and adjustments were made to the weights of the remaining factors to reflect the findings of this study. An implementation plan was developed and includes involvement of the specification committee, contractor quality control, training, and field testing the new specification.
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