Estimating the Construction Cost of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC): Final Report (Phase I) Construction Aspect
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Edition:Final Report (Phase I)- Construction Aspect
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Abstract:Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods have been successfully used by many DOTs for both planned and emergency bridge projects; however, ABC is not always the best alternative to conduct a bridge rehabilitation or maintenance project. Hence, during the project’s planning phase, decision makers need to assess all the benefits & risks associated with each individual project to determine whether it warrants the use of ABC or not. Nevertheless, this decision making process is not a simple process as it involves a multi-objective process to identify the optimum strategy for the construction of bridges (Salem et al. 2013). This process involves the evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative factors, including but not limited to: construction costs, user costs, impact on traffic, quality of work, safety of motorists and construction workers and the impact on surrounding communities and businesses (Salem & Miller 2006). One of the most important factors that the decision-makers consider when deciding on whether using ABC or not is the total construction cost of the project using these methods versus the conventional methods. However, there is a lack of tools that can help decision-makers in accurately estimating the construction cost of the ABC projects which, in some cases, might yield to an unsuitable decision. Therefore, this type of cost needs to be analyzed and estimated to support better decisions in selecting ABC versus conventional bridge construction methods. In order to address this gap in both the body of knowledge and current ABC practices, the objectives of this project are to: (1) explore the current decision-making practices and the way construction costs are calculated by the decision makers; 2) provide a parametric estimation tool for the construction cost per feet for the ABC bridges; and 3) provide a detailed cost estimation tool for the ABC construction cost. These objectives will be fulfilled through the three main tasks: 1) reviewing current ABC decision making tools; 2) develop a parametric estimation tool for the construction cost per feet; and 3) develop an ABC detailed construction cost estimation tool.
Content Notes:ABC-UTC Project: Estimating Total Cost of Bridge Construction using ABC and Conventional Methods of Construction (Phase I)
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