An Integrated Track Stability Assessment and Monitoring System Using Site-Specific Geo-Technical/Spatial Parameters and Remote Sensing Technologies, Research Results
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01158562
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Abstract:The Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Office of Research and Development sponsored a project to develop a mobile rail track surface and sub-surface surveying system capable of collecting data from a variety of remote sensing instrumentation and integrate this data with other site-specific data to assist in monitoring rail track behavior over time. The mobile surveying system was developed to be modular and adaptable to a variety of platforms and successfully integrated with High Accuracy Differential Global Positioning System (HADGPS) technology, resulting in the capability of measuring top of the track coordinates with centimeter precision at a variety of speeds. The mobile surveying systems were used to collect data from several geo-technically vulnerable sites located on active rail corridors in the State of West Virginia, and a statewide Web-based Geographical Information System (GIS) was developed to store and display the data collected from the field experimentation program, in addition to facilitating the integration of other geo-spatial information. It is complimented by a state-of-the-art information technology system constructed with multi-terabyte storage capacity in order to perform comparative studies over time of selected rail corridors in West Virginia. The mobile surface surveying system has also been used in other states to evaluate its application for measuring track shift at curves, derailment analyses, and rail yard surveying.
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