Deploying the integrated metropolitan intelligent transportation systems (ITS) infrastructure : FY 2004 report
Alternative Title:Deploying the integrated metropolitan intelligent transportation systems (ITS) infrastructure : fiscal year 2004 report
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Abstract:In January 1996, the Secretary of Transportation set a goal of deploying the integrated metropolitan Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure in 75 of the nation's largest metropolitan areas by 2005. Using data from surveys administered to transportation agencies in major metropolitan areas since 1997, the ITS Joint Program Office rates each area as having achieved High, Medium, or Low integrated ITS deployment. The Secretary’s goal will be achieved when all of the 75 metropolitan areas are rated either High or Medium. The 2004 intermediate target of 68 areas achieving either a High or Medium level of integrated ITS deployment was not met. Only a single metropolitan area advanced from a Low to a Medium level of integrated ITS deployment during FY 2004. This resulted in a cumulative total of 62 areas with either a Medium or High rating. This represents a shortfall of six areas when compared against the FY 2004 target. This paper reports the 2004 status of integrated deployment in these 75 sites and presents an estimate of progress toward fulfillment of the Secretary's goal.
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