Effectiveness of Interventions at Midblock Crossings for Improving Senior and Other Pedestrian Safety
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01590479
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This project evaluated the effectiveness of designed interventions on pedestrian crash experience at midblock crossings, focusing on seniors, children and other pedestrians. From the large crash database, we studied crashes involving pedestrians in situations with and without the interventions, and merged this data against a database containing the road and roadside characteristics. We fit a suitable regression and identify important covariates. Conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles subject to the interventions were observed using a variation of the Swedish Traffic Conflicts Technique, and classified by estimated age of the pedestrian and the severity of the conflict. Observations were made at locations specifically targeted for having characteristics found to be associated with senior pedestrian crash severity relative to nonseniors. We carried out a statistical test of association between conflict severity and crash severity based on data obtained through field observation and sampled from the crash database.
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