Final HAZMAT Safety and Security Field Operational Test: Public Sector Detailed Test Plans: Executive Summary
Alternative Title:Final Hazardous Materials Safety and Security Field Operational Test;Executive Summary: Final HAZMAT Safety and Security Field Operational Test: Public Sector Detailed Test Plans;
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Edition:Executive summary
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Abstract:Coordination and information sharing among law enforcement and emergency response agencies at the local, state, and national level is a constant challenge. Often, the inability to effectively gather and distribute information among public agencies is a situation that hampers preparation and response efforts in the event of a terrorist attack or a major hazardous material spill. One potential model for enhanced information gathering, processing, and dispersal to law enforcement and emergency response agencies is being tested under the auspices of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration-led HAZMAT Safety and Security Field Operational Test (FOT), as the Public Sector Test. The Public Sector Test is examining the potential improvements in public sector response capabilities utilizing a Public Sector HAZMAT Safety and Security Reporting Center (PSRC) as the information collection and dissemination point. The PSRC will coordinate information gathered from technologies that are in various stages of development to create centralized information processing and command and control capabilities. It is the goal of the test to identify and evaluate quantitative and qualitative results and metrics concerning the testing of first response technologies and the PSRC concept.
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