A Decision Support System to Assess Disruptive Impacts of Alternative Transportation Financing Approaches [Summary]
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01590485
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The objective of this project was to initiate the development of a decision support system (DSS) to assist State Departments of Transportation in the evaluation of the impacts related to placing tolls on interstate highways. Anticipated impacts include capital and operating costs to implement the required toll collection strategies and technologies; expected changes in existing demand along the interstate and alternate routes; potential toll revenue; and privacy and equity implications. With the aid of this DSS, a decision-maker would be able to specify different toll system characteristics, add options such as desired levels of privacy and equity, and in a matter of minutes estimate capital and operating costs, forecast revenues, perform net present value and payback period analyses for alternative toll collection systems. The project also included the development of an illustrative example to demonstrate the application of the DSS to assess the impacts of alternative toll approaches along a segment of Interstate 93 through Boston. The expectation is that this DSS will be expanded to evaluate other financing approaches including congestion pricing strategies, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) based fees, and innovative fuel tax schemes indexed to inflation.
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