The Economic Values of Iowa’s Air Transportation Industries
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The Economic Values of Iowa’s Air Transportation Industries

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  • Abstract:
    The economic values of Iowa's air transportation services for the ten counties that are host to commercial airports, the remaining counties that host general aviation facilities, and for the state as a whole are identified in the study presented as a PDF file on this webpage. These estimates were made using an input-output model for each of the ten counties with a commercial airport and another for all other counties in the state. It is important to note that the economic values represent air transportation services and not just the value of specific airport operations in an area. This allows us to identify air transportation economic transactions from an industry-wide basis as compared to a facility-specific basis. Appendix 1 of the report lists the kinds of air transportation services that are measured in this report. Iowa's air transportation industries produced an estimated $528.2 million in direct industrial output in 1999. To produce these sales, the air transportation industry required the purchase of $133.2 million of goods and services from in-state suppliers. The industry paid $188.4 million in personal income to its employees and owners, and it produced a total of 5,753 jobs. When all industrial interactions with the air transportation industry and for workers spending their wages and salaries on goods and services in the state are accounted for, the air transportation industry in Iowa stimulated a total of $834.1 million in statewide sales (or industrial output), $296.2 million in total personal income, $441.9 million in value added (of which personal income is a component), and 9,865 total jobs. The user can select to view the entire 31 page document as a single PDF file or just select aspects.
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