Intelligent Traffic Anomaly Diagnosis Through the Integration of Diverse Information Sources: Final Report
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1002823
OCLC Number:61103884
Edition:Final report
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Abstract:While most transportation centers have the capability to collect and access various types of information such as planned and unplanned traffic incidents, and real-time and archived sensor data, many have not integrated this information in a coherent fashion. Information about anomalous highway situations can be collected from a variety of (currently) standalone sources and if integrated, would allow presentation of this data to transportation professionals and the traveling public, thereby enabling real-time and long term planning. The goal of this project was to simulate incoming data as it would be collected by a transportation agency from various sources such as inductive loop detectors, global positioning system devices, human reporters monitoring the system, emergency management personnel, and planned incident reports. In this project, a software prototype was developed that integrates incoming information about the roadway and uses this information in a centralized and intelligent computer algorithm that can provide transportation experts with accurate and timely diagnoses of traffic anomalies.
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