Texas Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Master Plan: Technical Report
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01580067
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Abstract:This research establishes a baseline for the condition and utilization of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in Texas (GIWW-T). It looks at what is needed to restore and sustain the GIWW-T to its optimum level, the major operational concerns, the impacts of operational obstacles including a lack of dredging, and how the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) might be able to play a more active role in achieving the goal of a highly efficient and safe GIWW-T. Recommendations include: 1. Urge the Corps to restart the study process for the Brazos River Floodgates (which will probably need to include the Colorado River Locks). 2. Cooperate with environmental and conservation groups to fund the placement of revetments along placement areas. 3. Provide funding assistance for the creation of new fleeting areas that would accommodate all barge traffic; stay actively involved in reviewing permit applications filed with the Corps for development along the GIWW-T. 4. Expedite the construction of the replacement FM 457 swing bridge (Caney Creek Bridge). 5. Begin exploring real estate options for the placement area with the least estimated remaining life (PA86 in Brazoria County with an estimated remaining life of 12 years). 6. Set up and maintain a web page to periodically update and publish selected metrics. 7. Continue to pursue funding through the TIGER grant program administered by the United States Department of Transportation. 8. Apply for Marine Highway project designation.
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