Enhancing the Sustainability of Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Dredge Material Placement Areas
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Edition:Technical Report, September 2017–October 2018
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Abstract:responsibility of the state of Texas. Given population and industrial growth along the coastline and the continual need for dredging, it is important to use the sites efficiently and ensure their integrity. This research provided the analytical framework and methodology that will enable the Texas Department of Transportation to develop a strategic program for the restoration and protection of the DMPAs of the GIWW along the Texas Coast. The work plan combined general physical, environmental, and economic data to provide strategic direction and develop information on techniques and potential measures to enhance the long-term performance of placement areas and dredging activities. A tool using Analytic Hierarchy Process was created to evaluate various feasible solutions based on consideration of multiple criteria such as lifecycle costs, safety, and environmental sustainability. The research focused on East Matagorda Bay, the highest priority segment of the GIWW. Protecting this reach of the GIWW against long-fetch bay-induced wind/wave energies will significantly increase navigation safety and efficiencies and reduce navigation channel shoaling, resulting in reduction of maintenance dredging cycles. The research produced an extended list of improvement features, considerations, and evaluation options that could be prioritized as shoreline changes are observed or storm-induced waves and shoaling or current/wave-regimes negatively impact navigation safety.
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