Safety Belt Usage Rates at High Schools and Colleges in Rhode Island: Final Report
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1002824
OCLC Number:61117886
Edition:Final report
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Abstract:This report presents the implementation, analysis, and results of a model seat belt survey targeting Rhode Island high school and college students. This study was conducted to gather baseline information on seat belt usage patterns and characteristics, categorize behavior use, and strategize potential interventions specific to different stages of behavior. The survey team gathered 14,000 paper surveys from 29 RI high schools and 3000 electronic surveys from five Rhode Island Colleges. In addition, the survey team conducted 13 observational surveys at 13 high school parking lots during the morning arrival period. The average time to complete the paper survey is one minute. The results of each survey were analyzed to determine differences based on location, gender, grade, etc. The observational sample of seat belt usage at selected schools was used to verify the reported paper survey results. This data is compared to national rates reported by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA).
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