ITS/Operations Resource Guide 2007
Alternative Title:Intelligent Transportation Systems/Operations Resource Guide 2007
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Abstract:The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT’s) ITS/Operations Resource Guide 2007 is a comprehensive listing of over 400 documents, videos, websites, training courses, software tools, and points of contact related to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and Tech Report innovative transportation operations strategies. Most resources have been developed under Federal sponsorship, but Tech Report useful resources are also included. New in this seventh edition are: A chapter on Intelligent Safety Systems, which includes the new National Highway Institute training course "Improving Highway Safety with ITS"; Documents, websites and a video related to access management, included in the Arterial Operations and Traffic Signal Control chapter; Documents and websites related to planned special events, included in the Traffic Incident Management chapter; Documents and websites related to commercial vehicle operations (CVO), including product guides for CVO safety and security products and a website designed to help partners in the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) program apply for Federal funds; and Documents relating to various aspects of traveler information, including the national telephone traveler information number 511.
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