Rapid Transportation Structure Evaluation Toolkit
Alternative Title:Development of RDSETGO: A Rapidly Deployable Structural Evaluation Toolkit for Global Observation
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Bridge condition evaluation to support condition rating, asset management, and post-event response and resiliency efforts is an active and robust area of research. Vibration-based methods are being developed and tested by many research teams with an end product similar to that in this study: an easily deployed, accurate, and economical system to determine bridge modal parameters to support condition rating. The research team in this study developed and deployed an experimental modal analysis system, the Rapidly Deployable Structural Analysis Toolkit for Global Observation (RDSETGO), with harmonic forced vibration using an APS 113 Electroseis shaker and acceleration response measurement using an iPod sensor network. Other excitation systems, like drop masses, response measurement approaches, like vision sensing, were considered. Five Oregon bridges were tested in the field with various iterations of the system. The system development process, components and deployment procedure are described in detail in this report, as are results of the bridge tests. Modal parameter estimation and finite element model updating enjoyed successful first efforts by the research team and future improvements to the system are described. Most notably, the system was capable of being used to confirm the first six modes and frequencies of vibration for a pre-stressed concrete bridge previously tested with the THMPER system as part of FHWA’s Long-Term Bridge Performance Program.
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