United We Ride (UWR) / Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA), Enhanced Human Service Transportation Models Joint Demonstration, Phase 1: System Planning and Design, Institutional Process Evaluation, Final Report
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Edition:Evaluation Report Mar. 2007-Nov. 2009
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Abstract:This document presents the findings of the evaluation of the process used by eight project sites to develop a design for a Travel Management Coordination Center (TMCC) for improved coordination of human service transportation within a region. The TMCC project was funded by U.S. DOT as part of the Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) initiative. The process evaluation examined how the sites went about the design activity, the challenges they faced and how they solved them. Findings are discussed in four major areas – project management, stakeholder collaboration, technology issues, and Federal role in the design phase. In each area, lessons learned from the sites are presented along with best practices identified by sites. All eight sites submitted complete TMCC designs with seven of the eight sites submitting a proposal for the implementation phase.
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