Evaluation of the National CVISN Deployment Program
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Edition:Final Report 8/2003 to 5/2009
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Abstract:Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) is a collection of information systems, communications networks, and Intelligent Transportation Systems that support commercial vehicle (large truck) operations. The three main functions of CVISN are electronic credentials administration, safety information exchange, and electronic screening or transponder-based preclearance/bypass programs for roadside weigh/inspection stations. This report presents the results of an independent evaluation of the deployment and operation of CVISN technologies across the U.S. With the main goal of measuring the effects of CVISN on the safety, efficiency, and economics of commercial vehicle operations, four main analyses were performed: motor carrier survey, cost analysis, safety analysis, and benefit-cost analysis. In addition, the current status of CVISN deployment was assessed, and qualitative benefits as reported by transportation and law enforcement officials in states deploying CVISN technologies were summarized. A total of 848 commercial motor carrier companies participated in a national survey. It was found that carriers are generally aware of CVISN technologies, but that, in terms of power units represented in the survey, a much larger proportion take part in electronic credentialing than in electronic screening. Average per-state costs to deploy CVISN for e-credentialing were about $1.35 million; for safety information exchange about $680,000, and for e-screening about $1 million to $2.8 million. If CVISN safety and screening technologies were to be deployed and operated at all weigh stations nationwide, depending on the deployment scenario, approximately 4,000 to 17,000 additional commercial vehicleinvolved crashes could be avoided per year, compared to those avoided through current inspection selection practices. This equates to the saving of between 56 and 215 additional lives that otherwise would have been lost in those crashes per year. Economically, a series of nationwide roadside enforcement scenarios provided positive societal benefit-cost ratios ranging from 1.9 to 7.5, and electronic credentialing showed a life-cycle benefit-cost ratio of 2.6. All scenarios were modeled over a 25-year life cycle. Taken together, these results indicate that all aspects of the National CVISN Deployment Program examined in this BCA, when they are deployed, are expected to produce significant net benefits to society and are economically justified.
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