Optimizing EMS Through Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Technologies
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TRIS Online Accession Number:1642800
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Abstract:Emergency service (EMS, fire, and police) operations can benefit from the integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies into the transportation system infrastructure and the emergency vehicles themselves. From simple emergency notification systems to sophisticated dynamic routing algorithms for expedited incident response, ITS technologies provide capabilities to improve the efficiency of emergency operations. This study analyzed the potential for ITS to optimize response and transport times for emergency vehicles and mitigate non-recurrent incident induced congestion. Using public safety records, historical travel time data, and simulation models the study team analyzed a number of candidate technologies and scenarios to estimate the benefits to emergency operations. Specific scenarios analyzed the potential benefits of optimizing vehicle dispatch to minimize response and transport times and minimizing overall response times in order to reduce secondary congestion. The study examined the use of historical and real-time traffic data to select the optimum unit in emergency vehicle dispatch and found that while the use of real-time traffic data benefits emergency vehicle dispatch, much of the same benefit can be achieved by using historical traffic data which can be purchased more cheaply and does not require an ongoing service provider. Using Interstate 65 in the Birmingham region as a study corridor, it was estimated that even small reductions in overall incident response could result in significant reductions in incident-induced congestion.
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